Booking conversions
Booking conversions
Increase direct bookings at the expense of OTAs ... ..
This is a very delicate key, where promising wonderful booking conversion results can become a double-edged sword.
Do we actually need OTAs?
Absolutely yes.
Being present on the booking portals of the various agencies is to be considered as a wonderful communication opportunity, it is very important.

The philosophy of CosmoComOnline is based on the constant presence in all available portals, to give a wide presence capacity.
However, we are noting that the Pandemic, which has greatly damaged (for many definitively closed) the tourist market, has nevertheless given a big shuffle to the cards on the table.
Surely Booking.com, which was and still is in first place in bookings, has lost a lot of ground to the detriment of Airbnb for example, but also a lot to the advantage of direct bookings.

Having an institutional site that represents you well, having a good Booking Engine connected with all OTAs platforms, being present and recognized on search engines through maps, managing Google Business and its FeedBack, communicating through Social Networks, has helped us immensely. before and during the shoot, and we're reaping the rewards.
In fact, the conversion of 2021 stands at 27% of total direct bookings at the expense of 5% relative to 2019, and this result is in line in all the cities where we are present.
For CosmoComOnline, understanding, enhancing and exploiting these opportunities has helped to better manage the reopening of the tourism market, but above all to lay an excellent booking foundation for 2022.
Pubblicato il DL PNNR sul superbonus alberghi
Pubblicato il decreto sul Superbonus albeeghi, ecco i dettagli: https://www.edilportale.com/news/2021/11/normativa/superbonus-alberghi-e-piu-di-1000-incarichi-per-i-professionisti-pubblicato-il-dl-pnrr_85684_15.html
Bozza del decreto super-bonus-hotel
Qui puoi scaricare una copia della bozza del decreto del governo su super-bonus: bozza-decreto-superbonushotel-21102021.pdf